3 Pet Shelters in Jakarta

Don't want to leave your pet alone? This is the place!
When you want to travel out of town or abroad but have a pet, you will definitely feel confused if your pet has to be left at home alone. Or feel like it's a hassle if you have to leave it with your closest relatives or family. Another solution is that you can entrust your pet to a special animal care facility in Jakarta, to find it you can see the following article.

1. Derby Winner's House
This place is a special pet care center for dogs. Located in the residential area of Kelapa Gading, Derby Winner's House has adequate facilities for your dog such as a boarding room, an outdoor arena for your dog to play, and also keeping your dog clean. While being entrusted, your dog is also given time to play to increase his fun.

Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash
2. Meeow House
This animal care center is specifically for cats only. Meeow House is located in Cempaka Putih, apart from providing animal care services, this place also provides other facilities such as grooming, vaccinations, and also pcak or cat mating services. The owner also has a hobby of keeping cats, so don't worry about leaving your cat here.
3. Pondok Pengayom Satwa Jakarta (PPSJ)
From the name it can be seen that this place accepts types of animals such as dogs and cats. Actually, this place is a non-profit organization founded in 1987 by Mrs. Soeprapti Soeprapto, the wife of the former Governor of DKI who took in abandoned dogs and cats.

Photo by Barcs Tamás on Unsplash
So if you want to adopt a dog or cat, you can visit this place, or for those of you who just want to leave your pet for a short time, PPSJ can also accept it. Located 300 meters from Ragunan Zoo, PPSJ has currently housed dozens of dogs and cats.
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