5 Promising Business Ideas After Retirement

5 promising business ideas after retirement, agriculture, plantation or livestock, property such as boarding or rented, school shuttle, related to hobbies and culinary such as franchising.
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash
At an age that may no longer be productive, it turns out that there are still ways you can do to increase your income coffers. Here's a promising business idea despite retirement.
1. Agriculture, Plantation, or Animal Husbandry

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Businesses in agriculture, plantations, or animal husbandry are indeed liked by most parents. Considering that the need for agricultural, plantation, or livestock products is increasing every day, this is not matched by the growth of producers.
Catfish, native chickens, and ornamental plants' organic food can be used as a promising business in the future. The capital required is not too large, but the benefits are still promising.
For example, a catfish farming business can be started by obtaining catfish seeds through marriage or buying seeds. Next, provide a pool made of plastic sheeting. Third, the feed used determines the quality. Feeding it should not be careless, it must be regular, for example, three times a day. Don't be late because the catfish will turn into cannibals, preying on each other.
The marketing is not only focused on stalls or markets, it can also be marketed through social media, such as blogs. If the location of the house is quite strategic (side of the road), passed by many vehicles, you can sell it directly in the yard using billboards.
2. Properties

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Business in the property sector is an option that is considered suitable for those who decide not to work anymore, but can still increase their income coffers. It is undeniable that investing in property is endless. The selling price continues to increase from year to year.
If you happen to have a large amount of unused land near your house, use that land as a place for motorized vehicle storage. Especially for those of you whose house is strategically located, close to campus or office, it can also be used as a boarding house or for rent.
Don't forget promotions to attract potential tenants. Apart from putting up signs near your boarding house or rented house, you can also distribute brochures and of course, maximize social media.
3. Transportation

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What type of business does not require much time but brings abundant profits? The answer is the school pick-up business. With a not-too-long time, you can add to the coffers of income after deciding not to work in the office anymore.
Apart from distributing brochures, you can also collaborate with the school. The fare itself can be adjusted according to the distance. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to communication with children, to get maximum results, and take a personal approach so that children feel safe and comfortable.
It is highly recommended to choose the same route, or at least the distance between one child's house and school is close and in the same direction so that it doesn't take up too much time and money (gasoline).
4. Hobby

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Any business related to your hobby or interest is actually quite promising. For example, if you like to be involved in the world of photography, why not try to increase the coffers of income from there?
Intentions and commitment are two important things that you must have in running any business related to hobbies or interests. If you are more or less familiar with the world of photography but do not have qualified equipment, there is no need to be discouraged. Currently, there are many complete photography equipment rental services at affordable prices.
5. Culinary

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Everyone definitely needs to eat and drink, that's why culinary is always an alternative for those who want to increase their income coffers. This promising business can be adjusted according to the capital you have. In fact, with the small capital that you have, you can still be involved in the culinary world.
The small capital that you have can be used to develop a franchise, which usually offers snacks or drinks that are on the rise. Franchising itself has many advantages, one of which is that it is well known to the public so it tends to be easier to live with, without having to build a business reputation from scratch.
To sum up, whatever type of business you are going to be in, it takes will and hard work to produce success. Good luck!
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