5 Safest Cities in Indonesia for Solo Traveling

Cities in Indonesia that are safe for solo travelers.
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash
You can’t wait to go on vacation but unfortunately, there are no friends who can accompany you. That's a sign, you should try solo traveling! For those who are planning solo travel for the first time, don't worry! Because there are many cities in Indonesia that are safe for solo traveling. You can see five of them below.
1. Yogyakarta
Who doesn't know this city? Yogyakarta has always been a favorite destination. No wonder, because this city has so much natural beauty, culture, history, to cuisine that makes anyone always want to come back here. And the most memorable thing about Yogyakarta is the friendliness and warmth of the people. That's why Yogyakarta is one of the best destinations for solo traveling. For security, there is no doubt. If you get lost, don't hesitate to ask for help from local people.

Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash
2. Solo
Similar to Yogyakarta, Solo is also famous for the hospitality of its people. The hometown of President Joko Widodo also has some types of tourist attractions that can spoil travelers, from historical places, and cultural tourism, to traditional shopping tourism. Solo is also famous as a city that is rich in cuisine and the price is also very affordable.
This Yogya elder brother has a fairly high aspect of city security, even Solo ranks first as the most livable city in Indonesia. Guaranteed safe for solo traveling!
3. Denpasar
In a survey conducted by the IAP (Association of Planning Experts), Denpasar was ranked as the fourth most secure city in Indonesia. The position even managed to outperform Yogyakarta. Surely safe for solo travelers.
As the capital of Bali, it is no longer a secret that the city is filled with tourists from all over the world. So, besides going on vacation, in this city, you also have the opportunity to get to know travelers from other countries. There are also many foreign tourists who are solo traveling to Denpasar.
In addition, Denpasar also saves some amazing places such as Kertalangu Cultural Village, Werdhi Budaya Park, Bali Museum, Serangan Island, and those that are already very popular such as Sanur and Tanah Lot.

Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash  
4. Balikpapan
The city in East Kalimantan is also rated as the city with the best security in Indonesia. Balikpapan is ranked the second safest city in Indonesia with a value of 70. Other than that, Balikpapan also has the highest hygiene index. Cool!
For the tourist attraction, here you can enjoy the natural beauty of Melawai Beach, Kemala Beach, Margomulyo Mangrove Forest, to Lake Mirror Lamaru which is famous for its beauty and water clarity.
5. Palembang
According to data from the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning, Palembang is the second most comfortable city in Indonesia. The city of Pempek was also considered to have the second-best aspects of City Planning and Pedestrian Facilities in Indonesia. Certainly safe and comfortable for those who are planning a solo trip to Palembang.
For matters of tourist attractions, in addition to the very famous Ampera Bridge, you can also visit Punti Kayu Forest Nature Tourism, Palembang Bird Park, Maung Waterfall, Kemaro Island, and many more.
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