Repairing damaged archives for free at ANRI building.
At the beginning of January, large flood hit Jakarta and around. Unfortunately, flooding at the beginning of 2020 cause a lot of losses including important documents of many people. To help those who suffered by flooding, National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) provides free services to repair damaged family files (archives).
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/arsipnasionalri/?hl=en
Team of restoration (Laraska) ANRI ready to help repairing a lot of archives including birth certificates, family cards, identity cards, land certificates, marriage certificates and other important documents.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/arsipnasionalri/?hl=en
Damaged documents can be repaired based on how bad the damage itself. If they find your documents in bad damage situations, you will be advised to contact relevant institution to make new ones.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/arsipnasionalri/?hl=en
For those who still need repairing services for any important documents due to flooding, can visit ANRI Building at Jalan Ampera Raya No. 7, Cilandak, South Jakarta. ANRI opens every day from 7.30 am to 3.30 pm. You need to bring identity and damaged documents to be repaired.