Emergency Numbers You Should Save on Contacts

Emergency numbers you need to save.

Emergency situation can happen any single time and anywhere. It is important to save several numbers you can reach while emergency situation, such as accident, fire or natural disasters happen to you or people around you any time.

In 2015, Center for Providing and Managing Telecommunications and Informatics Financing (BPPPTI) of Ministry of Communication and Information provides 112 as number of emergency. 112 can be used for all emergencies, including criminal case, accidents, disasters or domestic violence around you and other life-threatening emergencies. 112 can be accessed using a phone with or without sim card also home phone for free.

National Electricity Company (PLN) also provides emergency number, 123, for those who want address complaint if their homes get power cuts. For those who need an ambulance service for 24 hour can reach emergency number in 118 or 119.

While police services can be reach via 110. Call center of Jasa Marga in +622180880123 or 80883210 is important number to be saved especially for any toll road users, if one day experience emergency situation in the midst of toll road.

If you see a person tries to commit suicide, you can immediately call +62217256526, +62217257826 or +62217221810. Firefighters also ready to respond any emergencies at number 113 or 1131.

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