Feeling Beautiful Inside and Out with Dian Kenanga Totok Aura

Feeling beautiful inside and out with Dian Kenanga Totok Aura.

For those who like to go to salon or other body treatment places might be familiar with totok aura (whole body acupressure to improve your appearance). As the first pioneer of totok aura in Indonesia, Dian Kenanga known among beauty enthusiasts to make their appearance more beautiful and glowing.

As a home for face and body acupressure, Dian Kenanga offering you series of quality treatments can be enjoyed both women and men, include Totok Aura Wajah (face acupressure), Totok Aura Tubuh (whole body acupressure), Totok Aura Payudara (breast acupressure), Totok Aura Getar Syaraf (nerves acupressure) dan Facial (get rid blackheads and acnes).


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What is totok aura and its benefits for your health? This full body acupressure which done by professional and well-trained therapists here is a therapeutic method using finger pressure on acupressure points in your body (channelling bioenergy and breathing techniques). Totok aura helps increasing supply of oxygen, blood circulations, improve your skin to look more supple and glowing because its technique (movement) made upward against gravity, get rid of wrinkles, body metabolism and vitality (for men).


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Besides totok aura, Dian Kenanga also offering hair treatments include blow, hair spa, creambath, smoothing, manicure and pedicure and eyebrows threading at affordable prices start from Rp40.000.

Are you interested to improve your health and appearance through totok aura? Click here for further information of Dian Kenanga Totok Aura or come to one of their outlets in Jakarta and Bintaro.

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