Kemenparekraf Launches Indonesia Care, a Campaign to Implement Health Protocols for Tourism Sector

Kemenparekraf launches "Indonesia Care", a national campaign to implement health protocols in order to present Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) destinations.
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) launches "Indonesia Care", a national campaign to implement health protocols as well as verification in order to present Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) destinations. The launch of "Indonesia Care" campaign took place last Friday (10/07), at Studio XXI Plaza Senayan, in Jakarta.
Simultaneously at the event, Kemenparekraf also launches Guidelines for the Implementation of Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability (CHSE) or also called the Implementation Guidelines for Health, Hygiene, and Safety for Hotel, Restaurant and Cinema sector.
Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio said that "Indonesia Care" campaign or shortened to "I Do Care" shows the commitment of Indonesians, especially all stakeholders in the tourism sector and creative economy to the world community that Indonesia is very concerned for the common good to maintain cleanliness, hygiene, and service without direct contact for mutual security.
"Indonesia Care" is initiated as a national agreement to increase public trust by maximizing public participation as well as business people to uphold full sanitation and hygiene.
"Indonesia Care is one of our communication strategies to be able to revive the tourism sector and the creative economy by prioritizing the principles of cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability," Wishnutama says, quoted from a press release.
The Menparekraf invites all parties, including the community and the tourism industry and the creative economy to participate in "Indonesia Care" campaign by implementing business and tourism management that ensures sanitation, hygiene, and services without direct contact.
"With this effort, it is hoped that the sector that has been opened and which will be opened is ready to implement health protocols properly. The tourism sector and the creative economy can get back on track, productive but still safe from COVID-19," he continued.
Deputy of Marketing for Kemenparekraf Nia Niscaya explained, the Guidelines for the Implementation of Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability for the tourism sector and the creative economy that are published refer to global standards as operational technical guidelines for businesses in the tourism sector and creative economy in carrying out various economy activities are gradually moving again during the adaptation of new normal.
"This protocol guide is a more detailed derivative of Minister of Health Decree Number HK.01.07 / Menkes / 382/2020 concerning Health Protocols for Communities in Public Places and Facilities in the Framework of Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) compiled by The Ministry of Health is based on input from Kemenparekraf," Nia says.
Based on data from the Sprinkler Analytic social listening tools with Indonesia, Travel, and COVID-19 handling keywords, the perception of other countries towards Indonesia is still low. The launch of the Guidelines on the Implementation of Health, Cleanliness and Safety is expected to increasing public confidence level in the tourism sector and the creative economy in Indonesia. Therefore, health protocols must be a concern to be implemented strictly by industries.
"Information about Indonesia Care and Guidelines on the Implementation of Health, Cleanliness, and Safety can be viewed further on the website," she continued.
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