Love Traveling? These Are 5 Suitable jobs For You To Be In!

Here is the right job for you travels maniacs/travelers. Check this one out!
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
Many people think that traveling is a waste of money. There are also those who think that traveling is done by someone just following trends or running away from work responsibilities. Even though not everyone who travels has such intentions.
Traveling itself has many meanings, it really depends on the intentions of each person. Maybe there are those who just follow the trend, but not a few also do it because they want to relax the body and mind.
It turns out that traveling is not just an activity to get somewhere, but an activity that indirectly provides life experience. On every trip you take, you can be sure that you get a new experience. For example, chatting with people you didn't know before, witnessing the wisdom of the people in your destination city or country which is certainly different from your city or country of origin, and many other valuable experiences that you can only experience when traveling.
So, for those of you who happen to have a hobby of traveling, make the best use of it to work in the five jobs below to increase your income coffers.
1. Travel Consultant

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Even though the name is still foreign to many people's ears, traveling lovers certainly shouldn't miss this huge business opportunity. As the name implies, travel consultant, your main job is to become a consultant in the field of travel. This one job requires you to meet and talk to many people.
Especially for those of you who are used to thinking critically and strategically planning everything, a travel consultant is an ideal choice to increase your income, besides your main job. In fact, if you have enjoyed the ups and downs of being a travel consultant, it is possible to choose it as your main job.
You can start through a travel agent, a person who is appointed and trusted to arrange a private (individual) or group trip. Generally, travel companies have several travel consultants.
As a travel consultant, you are 'required' to be able to follow the client's travel plans according to the budget. Starting from travel routes, transportation used, and accommodation while in the destination city or country to which tourist destinations must be visited, it is your responsibility.
A travel consultant is also tasked with providing complete information about travel package prices, and the advantages and disadvantages of each travel package (product). Of course, this must be fully informed by the head of the client.
The differences between various types of travel, such as business trips, honeymoons, religion to adventure, of course, must be memorized, so that you can share detailed information about the destinations that clients must visit.
Usually, those who do have a great passion (interest) in the field of traveling and are supported by good skills, such as communication, being able to work in a team or individually, and are no longer surprised by working under pressure, are the main requirements to be able to taste the job as a travel consultant. The success of a travel consultant can be seen from a person's ability to communicate with other people (clients), and be friendly and patient.
If you already have a 'name', you can even become a travel consultant who is not tied to a travel agent, aka working alone, like Amalla Vesta, an independent travel consultant from @SwangkyTraveler @LiburanLokal.
2. Tour Agent

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The coffers that you collect little by little while tasting the realm of travel consultants can actually be developed into your own tour agent business. Still related to the previous point, you can open a tour agent business with friends, family or even a partner who really has a passion (interest) in traveling.
This business can even be run by those of you who are currently still a student. No need to rent an office that is too fancy and expensive, the most important thing for a tour agent is the concept.
Design the concept in such a way that it looks attractive. To win the hearts of potential clients, you can apply discounts with a minimum of participants. Wrapped in an interesting concept, the goal (destination) is of course not only abroad. Starting from the beach, mountains, or islands in Indonesia, it will gradually spread abroad if you are good at promotion.
For example, those of you who happen to like spending time on holidays at the beach can set up a special tour agent for beach lovers. You and your friends, family, or partners involved in the tour agent must arrange every trip for clients who want to vacation on exotic beaches.
Consultation on which beaches to visit, based on your own experience or that of other clients is a must. After knowing the destination (destination) that suits the client's wishes, you can determine the amount of budget (cost) required.
If a travel consultant is concerned with consulting matters, as a business owner of a travel agent, you are required to keep records of income and expenses, have a unique concept as a differentiator between the tour agent you have and other tour agents to set the price for each travel package that you offer to prospective clients.
3. Tour Guide

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Not just any tour guide, as a tour guide you must know very well the ins and outs of the destinations (locations) that will be visited by clients. The task of a tour guide is certainly not just to show directions or accompany clients where they are going.
A tour guide is tasked with providing as much information as possible about the cultural, natural, and historical heritage of an area. In addition, providing protection (safety) to clients is also the responsibility of a tour guide. That is why, a tour guide must have extensive knowledge about a tourist spot.
Having permission to guide individual and group clients (tourists) is a plus for a tour guide. There are several important things that must be considered before deciding to become a tour guide.
The first is preparation, preparing as much as possible is the main requirement in order to be able to provide the best service to clients. Second, think of the client as your own friend or best friend to relieve tension. Third, always look enthusiastic and passionate in conveying information, the goal is to liven up the atmosphere.
Just like any other job, a tour guide is not without mistakes. Of course, there is a separate way to respond to client complaints about mistakes that you accidentally make.
To respond to complaints, you need to listen to what is conveyed carefully so that you can provide an explanation (response) regarding the complaint. However, before responding, it's better to analyze with a cool head. While looking for the best way to cope, try to smile and stay friendly. Finally, don't hesitate to record various complaints submitted by clients so that you don't repeat them in the future.
4. Fotografer
It seems that a great passion (interest) for traveling and taking pictures is what many people dream of nowadays. Especially if these two interests can make money. Very tempting, right? Even though it sounds fun to do, it turns out that working as a travel photographer is not an easy matter.
A travel photographer can be called a dream job for many people, where one can deepen his/her photographic skills as well as add to a travel photo collection. Usually, traveling photos relate to the environment, people, and new routines encountered while traveling in a city or country.
To get the best photo results, it takes effort and qualified tools. Usually, traveling photos are produced by shooting a lens that is wider than a regular lens to make it look more 'talking'.
Not only with business capital and qualified tools, to be able to produce a 'talking' traveling photo, one needs a well-thought-out travel plan (concept). In other words, you already have a goal, location, and shooting destination.
Purpose, location, or destination is the first thing that must be taken into account. If the shooting location doesn't require a lot of tools or can be taken with a digital camera or cellphone camera, then you don't need to bring along a professional camera and other equipment, such as a flash, tripod, cleaning kit, or even extra batteries.
With regards to shooting locations, it's good not to just focus on nature. You can also produce lots of good photos through culinary, culture, arts, and so on.
Even if you visit the same location, you can still get non-monotonous photos in many ways, such as different spots or angles, and different times so that the resulting photos look more unique than before.
Every time you take a picture, don't forget to make a short note about the object in the photo. For example, when entering a place of worship such as a mosque, church, or temple, ask local residents or the manager of the place of worship about the ins and outs, interesting things, and so on. To make it easier for you to do this, don't forget to bring a small notebook wherever your feet go.
Talking about tools, travel photographers don't need to be fanatical about just one type or brand of camera. In fact, pocket cameras or ordinary digital cameras are capable of producing images that are no less interesting than DSLRs (Digital Single Lens Reflex). With a record of being able to optimize it properly. All types and brands of cameras have their own advantages and disadvantages, all of which can be learned if there is a will.
To increase your confidence before finally deciding to get involved in the world of travel photographers, there are several world photographers that you must follow on their respective Instagram accounts, including Pierre Terdjman, William Patino, Hiroaki Fukuda, Carnets Parisiens Don Hasman from Indonesia.
If you already have a large collection of photos, try using social media like Instagram to promote your work by means of paid promotion. Paid promotion is an activity carried out with an Instagram account that has many followers. The more followers you have, the more expensive the promotion price.
5. Travel Writer/Blogger

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
It may sound trivial, but in fact, it is not. Wanting to become a successful travel blogger or writer is not an easy matter. Apart from persistence and persistence in the world of writing which makes many people feel bored quickly, there are several steps that you really have to take.
Travel bloggers or writers just travel and get paid? Who says it? It sounds fun, being able to visit beautiful places around the world and get paid, but building a travel blog is not as simple as one might think.
If you want to be a travel blogger or writer, of course, you have to like traveling. The walks don't have to be somewhere far or cool according to most people. Even stories about hometowns can look very interesting if you can package them to the fullest.
Starting to create, increasing visitors (visitors), and maintaining a travel blog to make it look 'alive' takes quite a long time. Hard work, perseverance, and creativity are certainly needed in order to reap the coffers from this business.
Reading is one way to success when you decide to get involved in writing. Reading a lot means you learn a lot. It doesn't have to be just books about traveling, you can also read history books to biographies. Every time you get new knowledge from the book you read, make a note.
Apply what suits your writing style. Willingness to write is mandatory. For example, every time you come home from traveling there's nothing wrong with immediately sharing stories on the blog, much better than just showing off on social media or filling up the gadget gallery.
Keep innovating, and make something different. For example, most travel bloggers or writers use formal language, why don't you use informal language but still be acceptable to readers? Or in terms of design, if most travel blogs are kept simple, why not try to make them look more attractive with a variety of colors?
If you're not good at designing, find a friend who can do it. This is done as a form of investment. If you're good at aiming for objects but not good at stringing words together, find a friend who can do that. Pay at the agreed price to make your job easier. In addition to making work easier, this makes your visitors feel that the blog is really being maintained in earnest.
So that your blog doesn't sink in the Google search box, focus on the theme you want to raise, for example, the city you currently live in. What is the local wisdom that can be enjoyed or what special culinary must be tasted by every traveler who comes to your city? This indirectly makes you look like an 'expert' on the theme you are focusing on.
Another thing that also needs to be considered when deciding to start a travel blog is not to focus on yourself. Especially for a travel blog business, write what you want to write about but not just about yourself. Use language that can make the reader imagine how you feel through the writing.
Just like a travel blog, whose popularity is no longer doubted, the blog that you create cannot immediately be on the first page of Google when searched for. That doesn't mean you shouldn't hope, but keep trying and working harder so that the blog you create can become one of the blogs that appear in the Google search box.
Finally, of course, you have to be diligent in promoting the blog that you have. The easiest way to promote is to share links (links) to the various social media that you have. You can also write comments on other people's travel blogs.
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