The Beautiful Curug Leuwi Lieuk

Curug Leuwi Lieuk with spectacular rock cliffs and clear water.

The rain city, Bogor also known as curug heaven. In Sundanese, curug means waterfall. Although it is not easy to get this prima donna, pleasurable sight-seeing along the way makes you forget about state of exhaustion after tracking for about 30 minutes from parking lot to the waterfall.

Pleasurable sight-seeing to the eyes make you awe while walking in challenging. Until just a few minutes before arrive, you can spot some spectacular rock cliffs. From those cliffs, you can see some tourists doing cliff jumps and get soaked in clear, cold, natural pool.

Leuwi Lieuk pool is less deeper, around 4 metres, more shallow than other waterfall, like Leuwi Hejo for about 6 metres. Although it is less deeper, you must be careful.

Along with Leuwi Hejo nearby Leuwi Lieuk, you can also easily find Curug Barong. Those two can be visited only several minutes walk away from Leuwi Lieuk. Each waterfall provided with public toilet and snack stall.

To explore and play in this waterfall all day, you should pay entrance ticket for Rp10.000 per person. And because the parking lot is quite far from the waterfall, you also should bring some water and snacks, in case you need to get some rest at stop spots.

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