Things not to Pack When Traveling Abroad

Things you should not pack when traveling abroad.

Each country has different rules related to things not to pack (bring) when traveling abroad. To make your dream vacation come true, try to not pack items listed down below.

1. Liquid above 100 ml

Everyone has their own ways to save some money while traveling abroad including bring their own water drinking, body lotion, soap, shampoo or perfume. Make sure those liquid you need to bring to save some money are below 100 ml and do not use plastic bottles to reduce risk of ballooning due to unstable air pressure at airplane. However, it is not apply to passengers carry personal medicine which equipped with letter from doctor and items which purchased at duty free airport (with mark).

Unfortunately, they costs high prices, hence you can use that money for other itineraries. Easy to way to break the barrier is using travel pouch under 100 ml and placed in check in luggage.

2. Product of Animal

Product of animal such as fresh meat, milk (except milk for baby), and cheese are not allowed to place in cabin. The simple reason is, product of animal contains pathogenic bacteria caused health problems include infections.

3. Sharp Objects and Weapons

Sharp objects include small scissors, nail clippers, razors, folding knives and so forth will immediately be taken when you pass the inspection at the airport. If you are required to carry one of those sharp objects or weapons related to your work while traveling abroad, it is highly recommended to bring the certificate from authorities state you have right to carry those items.


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