Things You Should Do and Not Do While Travelling in Regards to COVID-19 Outbreak

Apply these protocols and feel safe when visiting tourist attractions.
According to Decree No. 131 Year 2020 concerning Health Protocol for Prevention of Transmission COVID-19 in Tourism due to transition period by DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Department, here are several things you should do and not do while traveling.
  1. Healthy visitors (apart from children under 5 years, elderly over 50 year, and pregnant women) are allowed to visit indoor and outdoor tourism spots.
  2. Wearing mask.
  3. Keeping safe distance min. 1 meter—standing or sitting—with other visitors while queuing to purchase on the spot tickets.
  4. Using non-cash payments.
  5. Keeping safe distance min. 1 meter with other visitors while strolling around tourism area.
  6. Avoid using elevators.
  7. Washing hands or using hand sanitizer as often as possible.
  8. Bring your own food or travel cutlery, and prayer sets.
  9. Applying coughing and sneezing ethics.
  10. Applying safe and clean toilet ethics; avoid touching any surfaces or objects inside toilet, use tissue to press jet washer and flush or turn on and off the water tap, and wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds after using toilet.

And, things you should not do while traveling during transition period:
  1. Bringing children under 5 years, elderly over 50 years, and pregnant women to visit indoor and outdoor tourism spots.
  2. Take off mask.
  3. Do not keep safe distance when queuing to purchase on the spot tickets.
  4. Crammed in elevator.
  5. Do not wash hands or use hand sanitizer as often as possible.
  6. Do not bring own food or travel cutlery, and prayer sets.
  7. Do not apply coughing and sneezing ethics.
  8. Do not apply safe and clean toilet ethics; touching any surfaces or objects inside toilet, do not use tissue to press jet washer and flush or turn on and off the water tap, and do not wash hands with soap for 20 seconds after using toilet.
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