Tips from BPOM on Food Delivery Services Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Top picture source: Instagram @bpom_ri

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cafes and restaurants offer delivery services so customers can still enjoy the food they offer at home. However, you still have to be careful to prevent transmission of the coronavirus. Not through the food, but the packaging that may be at risk of transmitting the virus. 

Reporting from, Director of Processed Food Standardization of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Sutanti Siti Namtini said, the most crucial part of the food delivery service is the outermost packaging part. That part has direct contact from the delivery man and the surrounding environment.

Sutanti provides some tips for those of you who want to order food through a delivery service to avoid coronavirus transmission.

1. Open the Outer Pack

Sutanti suggested opening the outermost packaging and removing it immediately. Then, immediately wash your hands with soap before eating the food. "That's enough. It is in accordance with the protocol set by the government," she says.

2. Producers Must Also be Committed

According to Sutanti, food hygiene to prevent transmission of the virus should not only be done by customers. Producers must also be committed to maintaining cleanliness, both employee hygiene, packaging, and food, so as not to be contaminated by bacteria and viruses.

"Business operators must provide guarantees that the services performed, food products delivered are guaranteed in accordance with the protocol established by the government," Sutanti says.

Sutanti added, producers must ensure that food is packaged well, safe, and closed, the condition of the packaging remains intact and not damaged. Producers are also advised to maintain packaging condition during shipping by adding bubble wrap according to product characteristics.

In addition, the delivery man must also be guaranteed cleanliness such as washing hands before taking the food packages, using mask and gloves. Not to forget, producers must also check their health condition, and make sure they understand about Covid-19 prevention guidelines.

As for packaging, BPOM has strictly regulated in BPOM Regulation Number 20 / 2019 concerning food contact substances, food contact materials, as well as food types and conditions of use for packaging testing.

The government also regulates clearly about food packaging in Law Number 18/2012 on Food, PP Number 86/2019 on Food Safety, and Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 24 / M-IND / PER / 2/2020. Businesses are also required to use packaging materials that do not endanger human health, include food tare logo and recycling code.

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