Photo credit: PPID DKI Jakarta
Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan accompanied Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to observe the condition of Bundara Hotel Indonesia MRT Station, in Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (5/26). There were also the Commander of Indonesian National Armed Forces, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, and the Chief of Indonesian National Police Idham Azis.
Jokowi's visit was to observe the implementation of health protocols in accordance with the rules of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). "This morning I come to the MRT station in order to ensure that from today Indonesian National Armed Forces and Indonesian National Police will be deployed, the troops will be in crowded areas in order to discipline the public to follow the health protocol in accordance with the PSBB," he says.
According to Anies, public discipline of this rule is a determinant of the new normal period. "So what determines whether this PSBB is extended or not is not actually the government or experts, it is the behavior of the community in the PSBB area. If the community chooses to obey, the PSBB can end. If not, then PSBB must be extended, "he continued.
Anies further hopes that the PSBB period this time is the last extension and people are ready to lead the new normal life while still abiding by the established protocol of activities. "Later we will announce protocols in each sector, from the protocol of economic activity, worship, social, culture. So we can live our new life while preventing transmission of COVID,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the establishment of discipline in the critical times of the PSBB requires cooperation with the military and police officers. According to the Commander of Indonesian National Armed Forces, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, his party along with the ranks of Indonesian National Police have alerted all personnel to help enforce PSBB rules.
"The plan for disciplining the health protocol is the object of community traffic. Then the mall, people's markets, tourism sites. From the available data, there are 1,800 objects that we will carry out the discipline. In the first stage, we carried out simultaneously in 4 regions, including Jakarta, especially in the HI Roundabout, Bekasi area. Then West Java, West Sumatra and Gorontalo," he explained.