Gaya Spa Wellness, Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

Gaya Spa offers traditional spa treatments with natural products.

Spa will definitely make you feel relax and recharge your energy becomes dive into another activities right after you did a full week work. If you pass or stay in South Jakarta, you should visit this perfect spa place, Gaya Spa Wellness.


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Offering unique concept, Gaya Spa may be the only spa with various treatments bring Indonesian indigenous traditions, such as Betawi, Javanese, Madurese, Balinese, Batak, Minang, Banjar, Bugis and Minahasa.


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According to Gaya Spa, each traditions have their own characteristics, herbs that they use to the massage technique are different from each other. For example, Betawi culture, Tangas, tradition for women before getting married, during pregnancy and after giving birth, which inspires Gaya Spa to create a distinct treatment, including massage, scrubs and tangas itself of evaporation process. One of traditional Betawi herbs they used is bir pletok (Betawi’s staple drink made by herbs and spices).


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Gaya Spa also offering a la carte spa, such as hair & scalp treatments, face massages, eye treatments, body massages, body scrubs, milk bath, salt bath, nail polish and waxing. What makes Gaya Spa special? They use all spa products made from traditional Indonesian herbs and spices including its essential oils that popular among visitors.


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Most couple choose Gaya Spa as their perfect place to unwind and relax, because it has couple rooms equipped with couple beds, shower and bathtub. In the hands of professional therapists, both women or men, all treatments offered by Gaya Spa surely make your body feel relax and better before doing your routine life. For further information about Gaya Spa, kindly check their official website and Instagram account through this following info and contact details. Have a great relaxing time!

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